Wednesday 4 September 2013

Thursday 5th

11.27am and still stuck in Nullarbor. We now know everyone here intimately, all their life stories and their personal problems etc etc. And they know all about us. It was time to leave here about a week ago.
The mechanic 'Mick' finally got started about half an hour ago so I think we should be mobile soon.
When 'Mick' finally showed up it was a challenging moment for Ken and I? how best to handle the situation:
'Where the f............ have you been? we've been waiting for 19 hours you PRATT'
'We're GOLD members of the RACV you wanker'


'Hi Mike, you poor bugger, you must be run off your feet. Sorry to trouble, but would you be kind enough to have a look at our vehicle please Mick'
'Can I hold your tool for you Mick'
'Would you like a cup of tea Mick'

And of course we did none of those things, well, maybe a little. Mick turns out to be a good bloke and at least he knows his stuff.

see ya Dave & Ken

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