Monday 2 September 2013

Monday 2nd Sept.

Ken & I ensconced in a grotty motel room in Mt. Gambier. Cyril has been banned to the van by management.
The ferry across to Queenscliff was stunning today. Warm sunshine, glassy sea set the scene for the day. The drive up the Great Ocean road was, as always breathtakingly beautiful.
 The Toyota was a revelation for me at least. It purrs along at a steady pace, never missing a beat. It doesn't have a boot full of power to zoom up the hills, you have to use the gears. On the flat sections it will happily cruise along at 100km. The fuel usage on the hilly sections was around 12Lt per 100k's and on the flat sections we are at about 10Lt per 100k's. Tomorrow we will get a better idea on what it's Hwy consumption will be.

Trip log
Sorrento ferry 9am
Torquay fuel stop 11am
Repaired mud flap
Fuel = 31 lt
Kim - 245
= 12.6 lt per 100km

Mt. Gambier 6.10pm
Fuel - 45 lt. 
Klm -443
=  10.1 per 100km

1969 year
Bell bottom jeans, long hair, antiwar demonstrations, Vietnam, Neil Armstrong & Buzz Aldrin walk on the moon, Sharon Tate murdered by Charley Manson's mob, Brian Jones from the Stones dies, Elvis Presley No 1 with 'Suspicious Minds', Seiko sold the first quartz watch, movies - True Grit, Easy Rider

No personel computers, no mobile phones, Builders Labourer's wage $50 per week, Glass of beer 18c pot 24c
20 year old men had to register for the national service lottery.
Different world then

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