Thursday 12 September 2013

The Gap between the photos 1969 - 2013

There are 44 years between these photos. Finally some sod put the sign back up again.
They are taken on the same spot, unless the line (Tropic of Capricorn) has moved. The early one is on the old dirt road and the new one is a bitumen road. Ken was 24, I was 20.
The events in between that spring to mind:
Men walk on the moon/colour TV/video cameras/cassettes/CD's/DVD/speed dailing phones/mobile phones and there overall development/The end of the Vietnam war/national service/The berlin wall coming down and the end of the 'Cold War'/Chairman Mao/personal computers/word/The internet/web sites/Jet travel progress/Johnson/Reagan/Nixon/Carter/The Bushes/Clinton/Thatcher/Major/The falklands/The end of the millennium/self winding watches/digital watches/calculators/excel/Facebook/international phone calls(with ease)/....................
Two wives/8kids/15grandkids!!!!!!!! Bloody Hell Ken, no wonder were both knackered

Any More?????????

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