Saturday 31 August 2013

Departure will be Monday morning from Sorrento, Victoria. Have a coffee and breakfast at Stringer's cafe, then catch the ferry to Queenscliff.
We expect to take about a week to get over to Perth and up to Karatha. The object of the trip (every trip needs a goal) is to visit Ken's son Jordy and his family in Karatha.
In 1969 we traveled in a 1963 Ford Falcon station wagon. This time we are going in a 25 year old Toyota camper van that a friend of Ken's left him when he karked it last year. I'll get more details from Ken when we're on our way.

Friday 30 August 2013

This is the blog of Ken & Dave's 2013 trip to Western Australia and back again. The last time we drove over the Nullarbor together was back in March 1969. Ken was 23 (Now 67), Dave was 19 (Now 64)

Dave 2013